Why I Started This Blog
Where were you 20 years ago? I was sitting on a cold blue chair in the Children's Hospital Lab waiting for the funniest, tall, black man with glasses to make my first poke, on my journey of pokes, seemingly painless. (If you know him let him know I still remember this night like it was yesterday). It was a night that would change my life forever. Over 20 years there have been the good, the bad and the ugly days. If you knew me as a toddler you know that I could throw a mean temper tantrum now imagine you've been diagnosed with a chronic illness that not a single person in your family has. Let's just say my parents are incredible humans. They were and still are an amazing support system and I firmly believe one of the reasons I am "such a good diabetic" is because they taught me the ropes and pushed me to stay on track. Ask them how easy those conversations were especially in high school.... I still have vivid memories of the noise the vials (NPH/ Humalog) made a...