
Showing posts from June, 2019

Bubble Love

Define NORMAL: the usual, average, or typical state or condition. As a diabetic, I often feel abnormal. It makes sense right? I have to constantly think about nutrition, insulin, carbohydrates, how exercise will affect my blood sugar, what people are thinking when they see my insulin pump on my stomach at the beach, how pizza will affect my sugars, how any type of food will affect my blood sugars, do I have my fruit snacks in case I go low, do I have my extra pump supplies with me in case of pump failure and the list goes on and on. As I grew up, it became more and more evident how abnormal I was....and not because I can be a weirdo ;).... but because I have 2 sisters without diabetes, my entire family lives without diabetes and I often wondered why me? Well at the age of 10 I finally lived one week feeling like I was normal so only for 51 weeks of the year I felt abnormal but I had the support from some AMAZING people from that 52nd week that supported me and made me realize how nor...